Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Oscar Heck has a unique and salient view of Venezuela and its recent travails.

Oscar Heck

From a French Canadian father and an indigenous mother, he first arrived in Venezuela in the 1970s, where he worked as a missionary in some neighborhoods of Caracas and Windward. He was a collaborator and correspondent in English of from 2002 to 2011, and has been a regular contributor to Aporrea since 2011. He is mainly engaged in investigating and exposing truths, or as close as possible to the truth, thus fulfilling his Revolutionary duty since it is convinced that every humanist revolution must always be based on truths, not lies.

I decided today that I'm going to start stealing too

By Oscar Heck
Wednesday, 12/11/2019 12:07 AM

Yesterday I went to buy some things that I needed.
PURCHASES (December 9, 2019)

$ 11 --- 1 kilo of potatoes, 2 cucumbers 2 kilos of sugar, a package of coffee of 200 grams
$ 8 --- 1 kilo of meat and ½ kilo of cheese
$ 8 --- 2 bottles of brandy
$ 3 --- three packages of coffee of 200 grams each
$ 1 --- 4 cigarettes

$ 31 --- TOTAL (1,395,000 Bs.)

Minimum wage (December 9, 2019) = $ 3.40 per month (150,000 Bs. )

In other words, it took me almost [equivalent to] 10 months of work to buy what I bought yesterday.

The last time (before this time) that I bought meat was more than 2 months ago. The last time I bought cheese (more expensive than meat now) was more than 4 months ago. I was going to buy margarine, but I decided to do as I have done with margarine since 2014, and that is, not to buy it.

Below I present a list of some of the products that I have basically stopped buying permanently --- due to the high cost --- progressively and in chronological order depending on the price, since 2013 when Maduro began to lose total control about the economy, and when importers, distributors, and merchants began to take our eyes off everything, robbing us every day for more than 6 continuous years --- openly and blatantly --- here in this Venezuela without law and without controls where Maduro, with absolutely no shame or apology, allows that open and frontal robbery by the cursed and evil Venezuelan businessmen and merchants (and their partners inside and outside the government).

Note: The figures in brackets (below) represent the approximate number of times I have purchased those products since I stopped buying them regularly.

FOOD (which I hardly buy)

1- hamburger (1)
2- hot dog (3)
3- cheese (5)
4- mustard (1)
5- mayonnaise (0)
6- tomato sauce (ketchup) (0)
7 - tomato paste (to make spaghetti rooms) (0)
8- peanuts and nuts (1)
9- sausages (0)
10 chorizo ​​(0)
11- beans and beans (my favorite food) (0)
12- chicken ( 0)
13- crackers and sweet cookies (1)
14- chocolate (2)
15- milk (0)
16- sausage (salami) (0)
17- juices and yogurt (0)
18- bottle water (now I boil the water to drink) (0)
19- raisins and dried fruit (0)
20- cubes (for cooking) (1)
21- cumin, pepper, other condiments (all adulterated now) (1 )
22- special cheeses (camambert, blue cheese, etc.) (0)
23- soda (3)
24- Chinese pots and plastic bags (to store food) (1)
25- and much more ...


Other products that I bought regularly for my workshop but today I can hardly afford:

1- paper to draw
2- ream of paper
3- white or brown paper in roll (to draw and work)
4- colored paints (apart from black and white) of oil and acrylic but of good quality
5- drill wicks
6- emery discs
7- loops, cement, blocks
8- wood
9- MDF
10- tools (all are too expensive now)
11- varnish (now I produce it myself)
12- wood glue
13- contact glue (shoe glue, for PVC, etc.)
14- screws and nuts
15- wire
16- hoses
17- sandpaper ($ 1 sheet!)
exact hinges 19-, scalpel, and their leaflets
20- scissors
21- white glue
22- pencils for drawing
23- plastic containers for storing things and empty bottles
24- epoxy, silicone, and rubber (chemicals for making molds and prototypes)
25- and much more ...


Basically --- as we do the vast majority of Venezuelans and Venezuelans who live obligatorily in this tremendous socio-economic disaster propitiated, fed, and maintained by Maduro ---, as the following (more or less):

1- rice
2- food paste
3- cornmeal
4- lentils
5- cheap mortadella
6- eggs
7- water with sugar or a little lemon or coffee flavor
8- a little meat occasionally (almost no cheese)
9- a little vegetables sometimes (almost no fruit)


1- I make my art on low quality paper and extra thin (not thick) low quality canvas
2- I do almost all my art only in black, on white (without colors)
3- I use emery discs instead of sandpaper
4- I developed my own varnish and paste for some applications
5- I use gasoline instead of thinner
6- no I do nothing with epoxy, silicone, rubber, cement, loops, and other basic materials
7- I design my products so they don't need screws, nuts or hinges


I wanted to give you (above) a concrete idea of ​​how it is to live and work here today in this miserable Venezuela and destroyed by the evil and greedy politicians (of all sides), by corrupt public officials, by the violent leaders of the Venezuelan opposition and his followers and accomplices, and because of the tremendous mafias of business and banks that today basically control everything, robbing everything, every day, leaving us basically with nothing to eat, and nothing to work with.

They all steal ... and eat very well ...

But we who do not steal ... do not eat well ...

Well ... I got tired ...

I decided today that I will also start stealing.
PS Yes sir, now you will have here in Aporrea a common criminal writing to you, confessed, yes sir, thanks to Maduro, I have no other option more conducive at this time than to steal since I am an old man and to sell my body ( the other option) instead of stealing to generate money it would not bring me --- for being so old and ugly --- more than a minimum salary or less perhaps, which as you could see above is not enough to survive. Imagine, I never stole anything in my life except once (medicine for the poor), and it is only today, after so many decades of healthy and honest existence, that I am going to become a criminal, but of the "good" (I am very smart and I grew up with criminals, so I know very well where and how to steal without being caught, I also worked for many years with the Sicilian mafia, the Jewish, and the Hell's Angels). Well, that's life, or as they say in English, "that's how the ball bounces," I'm not going to starve to death by an evil and arrogant dirty politicians (in my estimation) as Maduro, no sir. Maybe I'll tell you some stories --- after I commit some robberies --- in case you also need to steal to survive, you know, to give you good ideas so that you too can survive before the hunger or disease generated by the Malnutrition kills you too. 

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