Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Venezuelan Militia.

To be perfectly clear about this I am opposed to any military action by the United States, its allies, satellites or surrogates against Venezuela and its present government which is headed by President Nicolas Maduro.  I don't need to prove that Venezuela is a democracy or that Maduro is widely or wildly popular.  It's a matter of principle,  just like it's supposed to be a matter of principle that the US won't tolerate foreign meddling into our political process no matter how undemocratic it may be. And in my humble opinion the US political process is profoundly undemocratic.  I believe that Venezuela has every right to prepare for an invasion and prepare to defeat it. Oskar Heck would agree with me.

From Aporrea
Oskar Heck is a Canadian born naturalized citizen of Venezuela.  People who have been following events in Venezuela will recall his work for "Venezuela Headlines ".
This is the truth about the 3,300,000 Militians and Militians of Maduro
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By Oscar Heck

Monday, 09/12/2019 01:33 PM

I will try to make this as short as possible.

But, before I start, I want to clarify that there is nothing here that I am going to say that could be considered "military secret" or "state secret," or anything like that, all the information I will disclose here is information that any ordinary person could easily obtain by simply asking the respective questions of family and / or friends and / or acquaintances who are or have been part of the Bolivarian Militia , the fifth component of the FANB that Chávez created (in its autonomous form) in 2008, the which according to the general responsible for my Andean Zone * was given the Mission of being "the stone in the shoe of the FANB."

In other words, we the Chavez Militiamen were the eyes and ears of Chávez within the FANB, we were the ones who watched (took many photos), investigated, and reported on internal corruption within the other four components of the FABN (Guard National, Army, Navy, Aviation), but particularly within the National Guard where most of the corruption on the ground occurs (apart from the massive corruption at the very high levels of the FANB directive that are directly associated with Miraflores where high-level corruption is coordinated, that's what Chávez used to do, but Maduro doesn't, it's not known if he does it on purpose, if it suits Maduro that there is such an immense level of institutional corruption, it's not known, or maybe that he just isn't able to control it? Hmmm ... I don't know).

For this reason --- being a Militiaman on the border --- I could write a lot about what was happening on the border with Colombia during that time (2012 to 2016), things that few media outlets reported outside the region due to to the great danger involved in reporting on that region of drug trafficking, smuggling of gasoline, weapons, food and medicine, and water and electricity (a lot of electricity in my estimate, which has caused continued blackouts here in Venezuela due mainly to the overload of high-voltage lines and stations via the borders of Colombia and Brazil, such as the Táchira and Zulia regions, for example),where the whole is basically controlled (on the ground) by Colombian paramilitaries and corrupt officials of military forces on both sides of the border.

NOTE: For your knowledge, that border disaster continues like this, and Maduro allows it, and has allowed it since he has been in power, while Chavez did not allow it, and that is why I was part of the Border Militia until I I realized that Maduro did not do what Chavez did, to hunt corruption, but that Maduro supported (and supports) corruption --- voluntarily or not, I don't know, but that doesn't matter, it's the facts and their consequences that they matter --- that corruption on the border is of horrific size, and that's why I left the Militia, because of Maduro and the damage he has done to our society, and that he continues to do. I was not going to participate more in the destruction of our society, I am a militia at heart, I am 100% chavista, I am not a hungry opportunist (see below), nor am I a mature person,

Well ...

I just read a part of the following news in Aporrea (source AVN, government agency):

"Maduro: Miliva Bolivariana reaches 3,300,000 members"

... where among other things they say that Maduro said:

"Today is a day of victory , the day of Loyalty and love for Chavez, and today is a special day because I can tell the world and Venezuela that we have reached the militia 3 million 300 thousand ... Today is a day of victory. "


But ...

And this is a great but ...

Gigantic ...

A giant but that neither Maduro, nor anyone within his government of useless, nor anyone from the agencies or communication and news companies of the Maduro government would like people to know ...

That but is that ...

In my battalion --- a battalion is a local unit of soldiers who know that sector very well (and there are several battalions per region, and several regions per area) --- we were about 300 soldiers, however, the core group was composed of only about 30 active soldiers at any time of the day, ready to participate in what should be done. When courses were taught or local protocol activities were carried out, about 60 soldiers in general were generally presented, but when there were larger activities, which occurred two or three times a year at the regional, local, or national level, where many battalions of the region or the area participated, and especially when (only under the command of Maduro did this happen that I know) free food bags were delivered to the participants, well,

They were also hungry.

And that's the truth.

You can ask any Militia or Militia that is honest, and they will tell you something similar, it would not always be in the same proportions (30, 60, 240, and 300 as in my case), but I am sure it would be something close , let's say something like:

Soldier Battalion (total) - 300 (chavista, mature, and infiltrated opponents)
Medullary team of soldiers - 50 of 300 (chavistas)
Regular team of soldiers (total) - 100 of 300 (chavista and mature)
Team superfluous of soldiers --- 200 of 300 (opportunistic mature and infiltrated opponents)


To conclude, what is evident is that 200 out of every 300 Militia and Militia today, under Maduro's command, are simply hungry mature opportunists or hungry infiltrated opponents, that is, only 100 out of every 300 Militia and Militiamen are really soldiers who They would be willing to give their lives for the Homeland without necessarily receiving a free bag of food from Maduro.

That is, assuming that the figure disclosed by Maduro of 3,300,000 Militia and Militia was true (I doubt it is, but there is no way to find out), then of the 3,300,000 Militia and Militia that Maduro says they are, only 1,100 .000 are true soldiers, which is not bad in strategic military terms since that would currently represent approximately 5% of the adult population (see figures worldwide here where the estimated figure for Venezuela is 2.6% in 2017 ).

Well ...

1- we know that Maduro lies a lot,

2- we know that Maduro has not collected data, statistics, etc., since approximately 2016,

3- then we cannot trust Maduro's figures (3,300,000 Militia and Militia) ,

4- which means that the actual number of Militia and Militia soldiers must be significantly lower than 3,300,000 ...

5- however, since the figure of Maduro 3,300,000 can be confirmed, then it will have to be used as a base of calculation, but also using the fact (based on my personal experience with the Militia) that only 1/3 of the Militia and Militia are really Chavez soldiers willing to die for their homeland and not hungry opportunistic madurists and hungry infiltrated opponents who alone they are there to get their free bag of food from Maduro,

6- so we can easily assume that the real figure of Militia and Militia here in Venezuela is less than 1,000,000 ...

7- right?

But …

How many of them are in a physical condition good enough to be able to physically protect our homeland from some invading military force?

Hmmm ...

In my battalion only 20% were in conditions suitable for conventional warfare, that would mean that at the national level, there would only be about 200,000 Militiamen and Militiamen (20% of 1 million) capable of really participating in the protection of our country in Conventional war times, which is nothing bad either.

Hmmm ...

Anyway, good or bad, this is the truth about Maduro's 3,300,000 Militiamen and Militiamen.


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